Listless on the Plains…


For now, the Radio Flyer will have to suffice!


Nope, not floating.  Not wasting away. Not lazy (altho that sounds like a REALLY good idea.  Great idea.). 

After a huge day outside and still not much to show for it, I’ll head out again as soon as I get cakes in the oven.  Just finished making fondant bunny for youngest granddaughter’s cake.  It will have to dry a day or so before I can start painting on details. 

BB just breezed through in search of food.  Which I had ready and waiting.  For quite some time as a matter of fact.  Sausage, egg and mustard sandwich to be eaten on the run so he can get “stuff” done before the 75% chance of rain comes at us!!!  Corn planting is just-around-the-corner.  Madness ensues on this farm as a result, kind of like those tornadoes that we experienced last Saturday.  This is when I consider that trip to Bahamas.  BY MYSELF.

So that means, I too, must hustle outside and finish planting projects that were purchased last week before rain hits.  Although, after Saturday’s weather, do I really want to take a chance  on planting them only to have them ripped apart with rain/hail/wind?  Oh yeah, I don’t gamble.  Right.  So maybe I’ll just keep pulling them in and out of the garden shed…in at night to keep pesky weather away, out during day for sunlight and water. But in order to do all that plant-pulling-around, I must have reliable and roomy wheels. 

Which brings me to my I Want Bucket List…see you knew I’d get around to another list didn’t you?!  🙂

It’s a bucket list that include nothing but “I WANTS”…nope, no Cadillacs or minks or condos in Hawaii, just selfish, material stuff but is more down to earth  like:

1. A watering can that doesn’t leak- $9.99

2. A maid

3. A gardener

4. A garden wagon, one that hold LOTS of plants for ining and outing

5. A baby grand piano

6. Shoes that don’t hurt my feet

7. My very own horse

8. New window shades

9. Reading glasses with a homing device

10. yeah, an iPad would be great

11. A playhouse

See? I’m easy to please and not extravagant at all.  OK, the baby grand might be stretching it a bit, but a used one would be fine. The horse and playhouse are things that I’ve pined for since I was little.  The window shades just keep getting forgotten. The glasses…well, I think it’s self-explanatory. The only shoes that really REALLY don’t hurt my feet are Naots and they’re hard to find. The maid and gardener will never happen for real but it’s nice to think about…no more cleaning and no more digging.  Altho I don’t mind either one that much.   BUT the garden wagon and watering can are biggies!  Maybe for Mother’s Day?  No, I don’t think I can wait that long.  I think I’ll make a Mother’s Day list for public consumption that I’ll post on my fridge that will include the baby grand and the playhouse.  You know, just in case anyone’s interested.

But no.  No list for today.  Which means circles will be the order of the day. And I’m really good at circles!

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7 Responses to Listless on the Plains…

  1. servetus says:

    For some reason this list made me think of that Mary Chapin Carpenter song, “Passionate Kisses.”


  2. heartfelt4 says:

    A modest list, baby grand notwithstanding! I hear you about dependable shoes and carts that hold lot of plants. Whoever invented the wheel was a genius! We are so tired of schlepping tender plants in and out of the greenhouses and using carts is so helpful. In our area the record for frost is June 10! Although usually we’re safe by mid-May. Frost warning for tonight. Must commence schlepping…:(


  3. The Queen says:

    And I finally found one of those carts at a local hardward store the other day. Didn’t have room for it that day but watch out next trip!! Frost that late?! Wow. We’ve had some rare ones in April.


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