Roly Poly

I know. It’s not politically correct.  But it’s cute.  And a little bit goofy and it’s straight off the farm! It describes a little chubby kid so well. OK, it might, just maybe, describe a fluffy adult as well.  But the song’s intentions weren’t cruel.  Listen to the words. Or read them…it’s just a fun song. 

Roly Poly
Eatin’ corn and taters
Hungry every minute of the day
Roly Poly
Gnawin’ on a biscuit
As long as he can chew it it’s okay

He can eat an apple pie
And never even bat an eye
He likes anything from soup to hay
Roly Poly
Daddy’s little fatty
I bet he’s gonna be a man someday

Roly Poly
Scrambled eggs for breakfast
Bread and jelly twenty times a day
Roly Poly
He eats a hearty dinner
He needs lots of strength to sing and play

He’s up at dawn to do the chores
And he runs both ways through all the stores
He works up an appetite that way
Roly Poly
Daddy’s little fatty
Fatty’s gonna be a man someday

Not only does this song describe a farm kid of long ago, I love it because it brings back memories of my Daddy, who was Bob Will’s number ONE fan and our oldest son’s childhood.  #1 son was never roly poly.  I had to order super slim jeans for him from Sears so that he’d have some pants that wouldn’t slide off  his gimly little behind.  The song kinda came to us in a round about way.

Big Boss had a little brother back on the farm in Kansas and he was graduating from High School.  I had just given birth to #2 son 3 weeks prior (at this point of my life, this song could have been ME!) to that so I wasn’t up to a 1000 mile trip that would take place over a 24 hour period.   Big Boss, who was coaching and teaching at that time, rounded up a couple of his coaching buddies, Carrot Top, his assistant and Rubbie Duckie,  to go with him and #1 son who was about 3 years old then,to the graduation.  It seems that Rubbie Duckie spent the entire trip entertaining #1 son with songs and “Roly Poly” was their favorite.  For a thousand miles.  Think about it.  A thousand miles! A three-year old and three grown men! Big Boss said they took turns driving through the night to get back home and they were all nearly crazy by the time they drove up to our little mobile home in Texas.  Can’t imagine why. 

Anyway, “Roly Poly” is an established family favorite now. Every time I start singing it to myself, I think of Coach Rubbie Duckie.  I wonder if he still sings it?  Although, I’m not sure I’ve ever sung it to any of the grands.  Must fix that.  They’ll love it.

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6 Responses to Roly Poly

  1. Myna says:

    I figured out who Carrot Top is, but who is Coach Rubbie Duckie?


  2. TexasInsuranceInfo says:

    Two things that always make me think of Dad (who I buried this past Feb) … Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, and Tex Ritter’s “Tenaha, Timpson, Bobo, and Blair”.


    • The Queen says:

      We sold a lot of Daddy’s albums, of which he had LOTS..but I hung on to some Bob Wills. However….I have never heard the Tex Ritter song until today. Very “Tex Ritter” ish!! Thanks for sharing!!


  3. Myna says:

    I do remember Coach Frederick! Wonder where he is now? Is Ronnie’s brother in business with you guys?


  4. The Queen says:

    We don’t know. But I’ll bet Carrot Top does!

    His brother was but has his own business now.


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