The Saga Continues

The inspiration, Thorin's axe from

The 6th draft. Thank goodness for graph paper!!

Ooopsie, First prototype not great. Back to the drawing board.

Redrew my chart again, changed color a bit, changed stitching order some. Worked better!

Now I need to call my chiropracter, my massage lady, the drugstore and my hair stylist.

My neck hurts.

My back hurts.

I need pain killers.

I’ve pulled my hair out.


And if Baptists had confessionals, I’d be camped out.

Patience is not a virtue known to my being.

Working on it.

Lord, thank you for helping me do this. I promise.  I’ll try harder.

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19 Responses to The Saga Continues

  1. Elaine says:

    I bow to your brilliance! I maintain that I’m allergic to any skill that involves a needle (sewing, knitting, scrimshaw – lol!).


  2. Dairy Daily says:

    Great job. That’s impressive!


  3. ItsJSforMe says:

    *Gasp!* That is fantastic!!!!! I am totally impressed! When will the pattern be available for purchase??? 😀


    • The Queen says:

      LOL. Let’s see if I go on hours taken to figure it all out, you couldn’t afford it! I’m one of those “hands on” types as it concepts don’t sink into my thick skull easily until I do it and see it. Hours/days later, a light bulb switches on and I get it!

      Contemplating The Orcrist next. Not commiting to the task yet, just thinking. It’s not quite as geometrical as the axe which complicates the design.

      But first a little girl’s birthday cake is the making. Everything else will have to wait!!! 🙂


  4. bccmee says:

    I would certainly feel safer under an axe-weilding quilt.


  5. Connie says:

    Hey girlie, got my new copy of Southern Living today and guess who’s home toen is noted in it! That’s right ours!!!! Ther is an article about the bluebonnet trails and SL’s recommended route. Right there in print for all to see is Brady to Brownwood!! Go figure, right!! They also recommend spending the night at the Star of Texas Bed and Breakfast our very own nationally recognized special hideaway. I’m so proud to be from the heart of Texas!! How ’bout you!?


  6. The Queen says:

    Oh crud…and I let my sub run out. I’d run get one if I didn’t have to run 40 miles one way. TOMORROW!! Wait…might be online?!!


  7. The Queen says:

    Not online yet. Must get somewhere to find the mag tho. But I may be on my way next Monday to see the flowers myself. Maybe. We’ll see!!


  8. servetus says:

    Great job — something about the geometry of that ax just says, “I must be quilted.” How many blocks to a quilt?


  9. The Queen says:

    I know…when I was surfing thru RANet’s pics, I was looking for a decent shot of Orcrist. The shot w/axe literally jumped out, I saved it, cropped it and enlarged it. And wow, how easy would that be to chart out. It really was. The hard part was the order and how to chop it up. This paper piecing is interesting!

    Uh, too many?!!! Of course I already have 6 blocks….:D


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