As the sun shines…


Gum paste Thorin, Gandalf and BilboWe’re preparing for possibly another flurry of snow?!  How can that be, you’re thinking. It’s gorgeous out. The sun is shining, there’s no wind, the grass is greening as I type, the apricot tree has its first buds peeking out…and SNOW you say? Actually I don’t say it.  J.D. says it.  He’s my favorite weatherman and this guy know his stuff as he gets his weather geek on at Facebook and the local TV channel.  If J.D. says it, it must be true.  So far, his batting average is excellent.  So, it is today we must be living, to quote a famous line that Catherine Marshall wrote many years ago. And living, we did!  Eggs were hidden, eggs were found, the Scriptures were preached, the songs were sung and the theme of the day was, “He is risen, indeed!!” Babies were played with, food was abundant, kids were all over the place…and birthdays were celebrated. Which brings me to my latest creation… I posted “the pieces” the other day.  The pieces fit together pretty well and the birthday girl was pleased.  She requested a cake that was “Springy”, green (it was green….VERY green), no snow (not a snowflake in sight) and maybe a rabbit or two..actually, four. Oh. And lights.  The lights inside the windows were a MUST.


Phase 3…or maybe 47. I lost count. Yes, I know the real Bag End did not have a second floor, but I was feeling particularly creative at this point. And, had a left-over window. What can I say?! With apologies to Mr. Jackson or Mr. Lee or Weta or someone.

The challenge was…for come up with something that didn’t ring too true to Mr. Jackson’s vision for Hobbity things but yet had a dab of Bag End here and there.


Gandalf…errr, Father Spring, made his mark on the door and somehow smeared bunny’s face. No prob. Pop his head off, rolle up another one and give him eyes and mouth. Thorin and his bunny are not impressed.

image So Father Christmas/Gandalf spirited into Father Spring who had butterfly on the tip of his white hat. (Yes, I know that he’s really Gandalf the Grey but work with me on this.  Grey is just so…grey.  Doesn’t do a thing for the color scheme. Apologies to Mr. Tolkien.) image The tree was a new experience and I learned lots! I asked for advice from 2 of my favorite and esteemed cake decorators, did some research and combined about four different techniques to create my tree. It’s made up of chocolate dipped grape stems, wired on to a plastic column which was then wrapped in chocolate fondant.  After the whole shabang dried, royal icing leaves were piped on. One. At. A. Time. image The birthday girl…heck, all of the kids, oooed and ahhhed and were probably thinking…”For my next birthday, I want….” I think I may have heard the Kansas State Stadium mentioned.  Heaven help me!!  🙂

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11 Responses to As the sun shines…

  1. Fancy Nancy says:

    Fantastic! Love seeing the progression! Exactly what I was thinking before reading your last sentence….what order will be placed next?!!! LOL!!! Greater the success, greater the future expectations! But I know you are up for the challenge! 😉


  2. phylly3 says:

    You are amazing!! I bow to your artistry.


  3. Janine says:

    I would so live there. Might chew the scenery however.


  4. Absolutley fantastic…well done.


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